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Andusia join all-party parliamentary sustainable resource group and sustainable resources forum

Andusia RFL is delighted to announce that it has been invited be join the All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group and Sustainable Resources Forum, recognising the company’s importance in the field of RDF export.

Established in 1995, the All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group is the leading forum informing the debate between parliamentarians, business leaders and the sustainable resource community. Our mission is to provide an objective platform for effective communication between policy-makers, businesses and organisations with an interest in the sustainable resource management agenda and to raise awareness of sustainable resource issues within Parliament.

The Sustainable Resource Forum is a select group of only 10 leading companies that provides a neutral forum for communication and debate between parliamentarians, government officials and leading experts and stakeholders in the waste sector on the crucial policy issues affecting sustainable resource management. Chaired by Alan Whitehead MP and Barry Sheerman MP, the Forum meets under Chatham House Rules in order to allow frank and open discussion of the challenges facing the UK waste sector. The group operates in accordance with a strict Code of Governance, signed by all members.