Following a recent report by The ESA, it was claimed that growth in UK EfW infrastructure was vital to ensure a continued outlet for UK waste. A similar report by The RDF Industry Group claimed that it was Brexit that would have an overall effect on the industry, with political uncertainty affecting RDF exports. However, after much investigation, Andusia have come to a different conclusion.
Andusia believes that Brexit will not affect RDF exports, however, there does seem to be an effect on companies not wishing to invest in UK infrastructure due to political uncertainty. The result of this is that the UK could be left with a gap between 2019 and 2022 in which no new EfW plants are being built.
Of course, RDF recovery will continue to be considered as a more suitable alternative to sending waste to landfill, however, there will soon become a time when the UK requires new EfW plants in order to use its growing waste in a more sustainable manner. During this period of uncertainty, it is likely that landfill price will continue to rise in order to deal with increased demand.
Andusia is committed to supporting new UK infrastructure and therefore the growth of RDF recovery and decreasing waste being sent to landfill.