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What are the benefits of baling and wrapping your waste?

Each year the UK sends approximately 12million tonnes of waste to landfill. For each tonne you contribute to landfill you pay £88 in landfill tax, plus a gate fee and transportation costs, however, there is an alternative that not only offers environmental advantages but also financial savings for you!

Your waste could be collected and sent for recovery across the UK and Europe where it will be used in EfW plants to produce heating and energy.

What is the baling and wrapping process?
  • Invest in baler machine and a wrapper
  • Grade waste to an agreed size
  • Waste is then baled
  • Wrap the bale so it is suitable for transportation
  • Contact Andusia who will collect this waste at a reduced rate in comparison to landfill
  • Contribute towards the UK efforts to reduce landfill and be more resourceful with our waste, and save money!

The initial outlay of buying baling and wrapping equipment may be an investment, but see how quickly the machinery will have paid for itself and the amount of money you can save moving forward. Use our new cost of ownership tool to work out your savings here.
