Andusia are happy to announce that the Stoke-based clinical waste treatment plant, of which they are the sole supplier, has hit a key milestone in its development.
The Environment Agency (EA) has issued a permit to energy-from-waste plant developer Waste Energy Power Partners (WEPP) for the Stoke facility. Following consultation opened in May 2021, the EA confirmed that the environmental permit had been successfully issued earlier this week.
Andusia will be supplying up to 16,000 tonnes per annum of hazardous and clinical waste, comprising namely of sharps, pharmaceuticals, bagged yellow, orange and ‘tiger stripe’ waste, for high temperature treatment under a long-term contract. The full list of EWC codes and the type of waste that will be accepted at the Stoke plant can be found here.
As we look towards entering the commissioning stages following construction and final works being completed in the coming months, Andusia are looking forward to welcoming guests to the site very shortly and even more excited to be operational in Q3 2021.
Contact Andusia today to discuss your clinical and hazardous waste requirements on 01992-666257 or email